Fail-proof Homemade (Heimishe) Mayonnaise

Hello and welcome to my recipe for Fail-proof Homemade Mayonnaise! This recipe has been a long time in the making, as I have always been on the hunt for the perfect mayo. I have tried countless store-bought brands, but none of them quite hit the mark for me.

After much trial, research, and error, I finally came up with a recipe that I am confident is the last mayo recipe you will ever need. This recipe is fail-proof and scalable, meaning that it works perfectly every time and can be easily adjusted to fit your needs.

This homemade mayonnaise is not only delicious on its own, but it also works as a base for any dip or dressing, or wherever mayonnaise is called for. So whether you’re looking to make a simple sandwich or a delicious dip, this recipe has got you covered.

To make this recipe for Fail-proof Homemade Mayonnaise, you will need a few prerequisites:

  1. A high-speed food processor with a vegetable pusher. I personally use the Braun K600, but other brands should work just as well.

  2. A standard drill and a 2mm drill bit. This will be used to create a tiny hole in the center-bottom of the vegetable pusher, which will allow us to add the oil slowly and evenly. (If you don’t feel comfortable drilling a hole in your vegetable pusher you can purchase a second vegetable pusher specifically for making mayonnaise, and use it solely for this purpose. These can often be found on sites like eBay for just a few dollars)

  3. A measuring line at the “1 cup” mark on the vegetable pusher. Many vegetable pushers, such as the recent transparent ones from Braun already have markings on them for measuring purposes. However, if your vegetable pusher does not have these markings, you can easily create your own. Simply fill a measuring cup with 1 cup of water, and pour it into the vegetable pusher (if you have already drilled a hole in it, be sure to block the hole with your finger). Make a sharp, visible mark with a marker or a knife at the point where the water ends. This mark will serve as a reference point for measuring out the ingredients for your mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise is made by emulsion, which means that it is created by mixing oil and water-based liquids together. To achieve this emulsion, it is important to add the oil very slowly and carefully. By drilling a small hole in the bottom of the vegetable pusher, we can control the flow of oil and ensure that it is added evenly, resulting in a smooth and creamy mayonnaise.

So make sure you have these prerequisites ready before you start making your homemade mayo!

I hope you enjoy my Fail-proof Homemade Mayonnaise as much as I do!

My vegetable pusher with drilled hole


  1. Basic Mayonnaise

  2. Garlic Mayo version

  3. Herbed Mayonnaise


  1. Place all of the ingredients (except for the oil and herbs) into the food processor.

  2. Place the vegetable pusher in the correct position, and prepare your choice of oil. Power on the food processor on the highest setting.

  3. Slowly and carefully fill up the vegetable pusher with oil, using the measuring line at the “1 cup” mark as a reference.

  4. Allow the food processor to run until the oil is depleted. This will take a few minutes, depending on the size of your hole.

  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for whatever multiple of the recipe you chose

  6. If desired, after the oil is done add in any herbs or additional seasonings directly to the processor and run for a few more seconds.

↓ This is a component-based recipe. ↓

Basic Mayonnaise

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  • 1 extra large egg

  • 1 cup oil of your choice (you could use light olive, canola, vegetable, or splurge on avocado oil)

  • 1 tsp sugar (or sugar substitute)

  • 1/2 tsp salt (adjust to taste)

  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice (or vinegar, or half-and-half)

  • 1/2 tsp mustard (optional, but try it!)


Garlic Mayo version

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  • add 1 large clove garlic


Herbed Mayonnaise

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  • add any (or all!) of the following herbs

  • Chives (my favorite!)

  • Dill

  • Parsley

  • Thyme
